Friday, March 25, 2011

Wowza...this is like Christmas, without the eggnog stomachaches or the fist fights in parking lots over the LAST space

So, I guess this is a little anticlimactic, only because I didn't plan things very well. But considering it's the first time I've done it, I've been a little too scatterbrained to do it properly, what, with all the research, networking, reading of fine print, re-reading the MS 42 times to look for errant commas, etc. HOWEVER, my Tweeps are setting me straight (thanks, Angeline, Heather, Evelyn, and Tiffany!), and I am making notes so that next time--which will be sometime this fall, me thinks--I'll do it right.

Without further ado, Sleight: Book One of the AVRA-K is now available on Amazon and Smashwords. A print version will be available soon, and as such, I will do another blast of marketing when folks can get their hands on a physical copy of the Precious.

Just a quick tutorial: SMASHWORDS is an amazing site that offers the book in multiple formats. Here's a screenshot from the site:
If you have a Kobo or a Nook or Sony ereader, you can download the ePub format. If you have Kindle for PC/Mac, you can download the Kindle format here, or from Amazon, of course. If you want to read on your computer, there is a PDF, doc, and plain text version (those look a little more squished together, but the words are intact). A version WILL be available for iPad via the Apple iBookstore, but it will take a little longer. In the meantime, I'm told there is an app for iPad from Kindle, so check it out. These formats are CRAZY! Now you won't feel like you're left out of the loop if you want to download and read it but you're lacking a Kindle. And like I said, I will pimp the hell out of the print copy, as soon as those happen. Stay tuned.

I did get the book out to reviewers (nine so far!), so that's good. (Want a review copy? Comment below and we'll chat!) My mom bought her copy this morning--my FIRST sale--after months of wanting to know when she was going to be able to read it. The Kindle has revolutionized everything. It was really a lot of fun to call her in California at 8 a.m. and say, "Hey, Ma. The book is up. It started appearing on Amazon around 2 am. Sweet!" We squee'd a little after she downloaded it wirelessly onto the Kindle (amazing!), and then she handed the phone to my dad and sister while she read the first five pages (she reads like a fiend), and then they all told me how awesome I am. Folks & baby sisters are so good for that. Well, mine are. Maybe not yours. Sorry if your people are evil. Send me an email and I'll send you my shrink's name/number.

IN THE MEANTIME, TONIGHT we're having a party on Twitter. Starts around 6 pm PST, and the hashtag'd keyword to start following is #TGNO (Twitter Girls' Night Out). The info is HERE, from Angeline Kace's blog (BTW, GO to her blog and help her pick the new cover for her book!):

Thanks for the support, all of go buy a book and ensure that Book 2 will get finished.

OH! And I'm going to be arranging guest posts around the blogosphere. Angeline is going to help me put together a giveaway of some sort, I think, eventually, but in the meantime, I'll be haunting other people's blogs -- so STAY TUNED. If you're looking for GUEST POSTS, drop me a line.

ONE LAST THING: If you find TYPOS, I want to know. Heather has already emailed with one she found in Chapter 4, and I will be compiling a list to send to the formatter to get things fixed. I WANT TO KNOW. You won't hurt my feelings. I'm a copy editor, yeah, but this is my work. I've looked at it so much, it's going to happen, for sure.

Over and out, babes.


  1. Yay! Congratulations, Jenn! Way cool.

  2. I think you are coming along nicely! You're doing the right things! I'm so excited for you that your book is out! It'll do great, and then you won't have to worry about being a Wal-Mart greeter lol

    Hahaha about other people having evil families. I laughed so hard at that! Thanks for the mention, soul sister ;)

    Drunkin' tweet you tonight!

    Angeline Kace

  3. I can't believe I'm FINALLY going to get to read your book. Very excited for you (and me!)

  4. I can't wait to start reading it!! #TGNO is a great idea too!! Thank you for connecting me to so many great, wonderful, creative ladies!!
